Mosquito Escape
We all have the experience of waking up to a mosquito's buzzing noise on a hot summer night. When that happens, our instinct is to kill the mosquito as fast as possible, by whatever it takes! But what is it like to be a mosquito, whose only goal is to survive from human's brutal massacre?
Mosquito Escape is a game that brings players on a mosquito's journey of survival to escape a human household. A set of custom-made controllers is a great way to introduce players to this unique perspective.
By wearing 'mosquito wings', a set of alternative controllers that detects players' motion data, players can experience what it takes for a mosquito to navigate a house filled with deadly obstacles. Players have to flap their wings in the right way or otherwise, they will end up like the one that woke you up on a hot summer night!
Mosquito Escape is an alt-ctrl section finalist at GDC 2024.
My role: Physical Design, Game Design, Graphic Design
This game is built in Unity by Yuhan Ma, Xiangrui Zeng and Xiao Tan
Cardboard Prototypes


3D Printing and Fabrication

Reference vs. Final Product

Characters and Props Design

Level Design

GDC Ult-Ctrl Exhibit