Drift bottle
Travelling through an endless ocean like a drift bottle,
all we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.
Drift bottle is a exploration game designed for an exhibition setting.
During the game, the bottle will drift through the wave in days and nights and encounter various weather conditions. The player can grab the glass bottle that we provide in the real world and perform different interactions, like shaking, tilting, and circulating. The results of these interactions are changing wave intensity, sea level, lighting, weather, and the orientation of the bottle itself.
Ultimately, the bottle will approach an island and when the bottle is ashore, the player will be instructed to open the bottle and take out the message inside.
This game is built in Unity
My Role:
Concept design, environment design, physical controller design, Arduino coding

Game Mechanics Illustration

Physical Design Concept
Physical Design Concept

Controller Prototypes
in Unity with Serial Connection to ArduinoThis test demostrates a water level sensor sending analog data to Unity. As the water is poured into the cup, the sea level rises in the virtual world.
A test of a lightsensor controlling the brightness of the scene
This Test demonstrate the use of rotation value in a gyroscope that controls the roation of the sun in the virtual world