Xiao Tan

Technical Artist, 
Creative Technologist

for interactive installation, game, and virtual production

Audio Visual Performance at Wonderville

A recording of me and my DJ partner’s live performance at Wonderville in Brooklyn, New York

The scene was built using Unreal Engine 5 with Quixel Bridge assets, Niagara particle system, camera rig rails, and a custom-made character named Coni

DJ Partner: Coco Yuhan Ma


Recordings of a three-part course that I taught at ITP Camp

Project File Link


Xiao is a New York based creative technologist and technical artist. His multidisciplinary works range from interactive installation, game design, to virtual production. He focuses on creating interactive experiences with new mediums, including physical computing, alt-ctrl, motion tracking, live performance, and VR.

For further information, projects, freelance, or collaborations
︎tanx2202@gmail.com / @real.xiaoxiao